I realized earlier that I hadn't given any itinerary for the overall trip, so I'm going to briefly outline it here:
one full day in NYC (tomorrow - my birthday),
then we fly out to Denmark on Thursday.
We arrive on Friday and find a place to stay that night (probably a couchsurfer named Deni).
On Saturday we'll go to Odense to visit an old friend named Sarah,
and we're also really hoping to see another friend named Vanja.
We might go to Germany,
and we might visit my friend Michele there.
We also might stay with some other couchsurfers.
Actually, we're really not sure what we're going to do;
it's going to be a Danish adventure.
And maybe German, too.
We meet up with our family on July 24 in Denmark
When we'll go to Norway with them -
this trip has a trip that has an itinerary of its own.
I'm not sure how it will look,
but it will look different than what MIchael and I are doing together.
It will actually be amazing, but just for different reasons.
Then the family will leave,
and I will stay in Norway
until September.
So that's the itinerary. We're basically filling in the gaps as we go.
And here are some pictures that I took of Peter and Michael as we left Newark this afternoon:
We'll try to keep the blog updated throughout our travels, but we're not going to forfeit adventure in order to do it.
Many thanks to Grandmom and Granddad, for letting us stay at your house in Dallas last night, and for taking us to the airport this morning. And Peter, thanks for picking us up at the airport. Jana, we're looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Tomorrow. A new day, a new year.
PS - Dad, thanks for calling in that prescription for Michael at the last minute, and thanks to Granddad for taking us to the pharmacy on the way to the airport. I don't think that Michael has pinkeye anymore. At least, he hasn't mentioned it today... No, he doesn't have pinkeye anymore. Nobody needs to worry about this.
Hey guys, brother Daniel, the a1encourager here. I met Willy on the Godtube. I am thinking about you guys while you go gallavanting around the world. Be sure to take lots of Pictures and post them. Be careful and have a great trip.
woohoo bon voyage!
your hair's gone oh my god.
nice to finally see what your bro looks like. be in touch yall.
see me at mariejomr.blogspot.com
A big western Happy Birthday and Happy Trails to you! CowboyPal M
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